Thursday, August 18, 2016

Back to School night - Review


I felt more successful at reaching parents, sharing our classroom environment, and creating a positive relationship than I have ever before. They participated in the WODB activity - and in my last class, one of the dads even figured out something we hadn't been able to all night. There was excitement, he felt awesome, it was a total win.

I feel so torn between the ideals about classroom management that are set forth in the Wong book and what I've found to be true by ignoring them. I don't know how it's possible, but it seems like creating those standards in an explicit way somehow neglects relationships. But creating them implicitly through relationships is more successful all the way around. I haven't given my students a single rule this year, yet they are on task every second even when I'm distracted by working with someone else. How does this happen? What about the environment from day 1 creates this phenomenon?

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